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HBM to be 14% of DRAM Industry This Year

By the end of 2024, the DRAM industry is expected to have allocated approximately 250K/m (14%) of total capacity to producing HBM TSV, with an estimated annual supply bit growth of around 260%, says TrendForce svp Avril Wu.

HBM’s revenue share within the DRAM industry—around 8.4% in 2023—is projected to increase to 20.1% by the end of 2024.

The die size of HBM is generally 35–45% larger than DDR5 of the same process and capacity (for example, 24Gb compared to 24Gb).

The yield rate (including TSV packaging) for HBM is approximately 20–30% lower than that of DDR5, and the production cycle (including TSV) is 1.5 to 2 months longer than DDR5.

HBM has a longer production cycle than DDR5  – over two quarters from wafer start to final packaging.

Samsung’s total HBM capacity is expected to reach around 130K (including TSV) by year-end; Hynix’s capacity is around 120K.

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